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Criterion Partnership Business Psychologists


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We just need you to take a look at our Privacy Policy and let us know that you're happy with it. The policy explains exactly how your data will be used, who has access to it and how we store it securely. We will never use your data for marketing purposes. If you have any questions about the information found in the policy please use the contact details at the bottom of the document.

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Clevry helps people to better understand performance and behaviour at work.

The psychometrics and other assessments within this site reveal the range of styles, drives, and strengths that we use to deal with the challenges and rewards we experience in our jobs.

Clevry’s assessments are used by employers to help them recruit, onboard, and develop people in the workplace.

We know right? These cookie pop-ups can really ruin your visit, so we’ll make this quick. This website does store cookies on your computer; we don’t do anything evil with our cookies (take a look at our cookie policy to see for yourself), but you can still make a choice:

Choose ‘Yes please’ to never see this message again and enjoy the best experience on our site. Or choose ‘No way’ if you don’t want our cookies and don’t mind maybe not seeing us at our best (plus we will have to leave just one tiny cookie so that you’re not asked to make this choice again).

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